The Best of IRC

Goofus and Galoofus

<EBounding> Let's play Goofus and Gallant
*** EBounding is now known as Goofus
<reidman> HAHAHAH
*** reidman is now known as Gallant
<Gallant> I open doors for ladies
<Gallant> What does Goofus do?
<MrTomato> is that what you do for a living?
* Goofus throws his ferrets along the floor
<Gallant> I put my ferrets back in the cage when I'm done playing with them
*** MTEKevin is now known as BlackSpy
<Gallant> You don't know about Goofus and Gallant?
<Gallant> from HIGHLIGHTS?
<BlackSpy> Yes, I remember.
<Gallant> I grew up being called 'goofus'
<Gallant> heeheheh
<BlackSpy> I remember getting that stupid magazine
<BlackSpy> Hey!
<BlackSpy> My grandmother calls me goofus!
*** JediPaul is now known as WhiteSpy
<BlackSpy> Anybody wanna be Lady Gray?
* Goofus pushes smaller children he doesn't like
<BlackSpy> All right.
* WhiteSpy lobs a bomb
* Gallant smacks children upside the head and throws them into the intersection
<Gallant> WAIT! I'm Gallant
* BlackSpy pulls out super secret bomb deflector
* Gallant pets small children like animals
* Goofus gives Gallant a hi-five
* BlackSpy deflects the bomb
<Gallant> hahahahah
<Gallant> this is fun!
* WhiteSpy cowers in a corner
*** Gallant is now known as Galloofus
* WhiteSpy runs
<Galloofus> BWaHaHaHa
* Goofus confuses his grandmother and takes her money
<Galloofus> ROFL
* BlackSpy decides killing reidman is more fun than killing the white spy
<WhiteSpy> lol
<MrTomato> well guys, I gotta go soon, anything important to say?
* Galloofus laugs as Goofus kicks an old man
* Galloofus joins in the fun and breaks his walker
<Galloofus> not really. I mean, look at us
<Galloofus> a psycho eba kid, two elderly citizen beating punks, and spies
* WhiteSpy pulls his trusty PPK
* WhiteSpy takes out black spy & reid in one shot
* BlackSpy jumps from behind and kills the white spy
* Goofus burns his Highlights magazines
* WhiteSpy dies
*** BlackSpy is now known as MTEKevin
<Galloofus> HAHAH
<MTEKevin> Now can someone explain to me that "Psycho EBA kid" comment?
* Galloofus gives Goofus a cigarette
<Galloofus> rofl
* WhiteSpy returns from dead and Morphs?!
<Galloofus> this is too funny
* Goofus throws it out and pulls out a cigar
<TalaRama> woops
<MTEKevin> I remember those Highlight magazines all to well
<TalaRama> ;)
<Goofus> huh
* Goofus likes to put flaming bags of dog doo on people's porches
<MrTomato> I take those into my house
<Galloofus> hahah
<MrTomato> I collect them
* TalaRama that darn poop again!
<MrTomato> keeps the criminals away :)
* Goofus shows his friends his dad's assult rifle collection
<TalaRama> highlights?
* Galloofus and Goofus go to the local 711 and loot the place
<MTEKevin> People here are ignoring the first digit in their ages.
<Galloofus> ROFL
<MTEKevin> Or was it the second?
<Galloofus> EBounding this is so funny i think I woke up my brother
<Goofus> heh heh
* Galloofus laughs as Goofus stumbles into oncoming traffic
* Galloofus laughs harder as a squirrel hollow's out Goofus' severed head
<MTEKevin> Smart move.
* Goofus likes harassing squirrel families
* Galloofus begins throwing rocks at a hornet's nest
<MTEKevin> Aw forget you two.
*** MTEKevin is now known as BlackSpy
* Goofus likes opening others mail
* TalaRama is back with a handful on monkeys!!!!!!!!
* Galloofus drives down the road in a stolen car. Goofus leans out the window and bashes in
  mailboxes with a bat

* TalaRama goes on a monkey-tossing rampage
* MrTomato bounces up and down
* TalaRama watches the monkeys eat everyone whole
<BlackSpy> Heh
<MrTomato> monkies don't like tomatoes
*** TalaRama has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** GreySpy ([email protected]) has joined #earthbound
<BlackSpy> Hmmmm'
<BlackSpy> We still need a white spy to have a gray spy
<MrTomato> well guys, gotta go, I'll see yall later
<GreySpy> this is racist
<GreySpy> lol
<BlackSpy> Racist?
<GreySpy> bye tomato
*** MrTomato sets mode: +o Goofus
*** T_Rex is now known as WhiteSpy
<GreySpy> yeah!
*** MrTomato has quit IRC (ja matta)
<Galloofus> hahah
<BlackSpy> Whoever thinks Spy vs Spy is racist has problems
<Galloofus> galloofus and goofus run the chan
<BlackSpy> Either that or they don't get enough MAD magazine
* Goofus likes to play with his dad's flamethrower
<Galloofus> hahah
<Galloofus> bwahahaha
* Galloofus shows Goofus his dad's gun
* Goofus likes to urinate in the town's water supply
* Goofus takes the gun
* Goofus 's mother walks in
* Goofus fires the gun in the air and she runs off screaming
<Galloofus> hahah
* Galloofus takes the gun from Goofus
* Galloofus looks down the barrel to see if his sucker is still stuck in there
* Galloofus wants his sucker
* Galloofus asks Goofus to get it out for him
* Goofus fires the gun
* Galloofus marvels at the incredible amounts of blood gushing from his arm
* Galloofus stops suddenly
<Galloofus> What am I DOING?
<Galloofus> I'm a horrible, horrible person!
* Goofus "Yeah $#^&*~!"
* Goofus applies a bat to Galloofus' head
<Galloofus> ROFL
<Goofus> this is nuts
<Galloofus> you darn skippy
<Galloofus> lets go back to the milder stupidity
<Galloofus> it was a lot funnier
* Galloofus puts paperclips in wall sockets
* Goofus makes Galloofus put paperclips in wall sockets
* Galloofus laughs at Goofus because he dresses differently
* Galloofus eats off of others' plates
* Galloofus ties Goofus's shoelaces together and laughs when he fractures his nose on the

* Galloofus puts flour on Goofus' shoulder and tells the hottest girl in school that he has
  horrid dandruff problems