The Best of IRC

Volume #8

If you want to rule a food product, please call...

<EBW> did anyone hear about the illegaly imported cheese?
<DarkStarm> ebw: i was the first one to know about it.
<DarkStarm> i'm the head cheese master.
<EBW> i'm the head head cheese master
<EBW> i'm the head head cheese emperor
<TalahRama> head head head cheese master or the universe?
<EBW> head head head head head head head cheese emperor of the whole universe
<DarkStarm> i am the big cheese. the emperor, king, and all other technical terms of the cheese
<DarkStarm> ebw: i declared to be the cheese master first
<EBW> i am the mammoth cheese
<EBW> you be cheese master...
<EBW> i be vice cheese master...
<DarkStarm> i rule all cheese.
<DarkStarm> no. i already have set up my cheese cult for your info. go to my site if you want
  more info.
<DarkStarm> it's under cheesy cheesyists
<DarkStarm> i AM the head cheese master
<EBW> i am the king of cows
<EBW> and the king of fruit
<EBW> cantaloupe, grapefruit
<EBW> lemon, lime
<TalahRama> and. mmm... strawberries
<EBW> tomatoes
<DarkStarm> no. strawberries are under my command.
<EBW> grapes
<DarkStarm> i also get the cows so we can make the cheese
<EBW> you can have strawberries
<DarkStarm> i then get ALL dairy products including cereal.
<EBW> it was your fault
<DarkStarm> i also have my army of well-fed hedgehogs at my command
<EBW> you were the one that illegaly imported cheese
<DarkStarm> plus the kingdom of it and then
<EBW> i get the echidnas, then
<DarkStarm> no. that would be one of the little cheese peons.
<EBW> and the duck-billed platypusses
<DarkStarm> he didn't know it was wrong..
<EBW> and the penguins, of course
<EBW> kangaroos
<EBW> mosquitos
<DarkStarm> i get mosquitos
<EBW> okay
<DarkStarm> they're already feeding on my army
<EBW> i get the most powerful mosquitos
<DarkStarm> they're trained warriors
<DarkStarm> no i do. i already have them.
<EBW> my echidnas are too
<DarkStarm> fine. you keep the untrained mosquito's.
<EBW> do you have dogs?
<EBW> okay
<EBW> i keep untrained
<DarkStarm> i keep my kung-fu judo chop rang-a-tang mosquitos
<EBW> untrained mosquitos
<DarkStarm> i get cats
<EBW> i don
<EBW> i don't want dogs
<EBW> i want cats
<DarkStarm> which includes: lions, tigers, and jaguars
<DarkStarm> i get cats sorry
<DarkStarm> i got dibs on them.
<EBW> i want the domestic cats
<EBW> not the lions, etc.
<EBW> i get monkeys
<DarkStarm> eh no way! monkeys are mine!
<DarkStarm> arangatangs included
<EBW> all i want for my army are the echidnas, domestic cats, monkeys, and your untrained
<DarkStarm> you can take rhinos and elephants
<EBW> i take rhinos
<EBW> no elephants
<DarkStarm> no. i get ALL cats
<TalahRama> monkeys are mine, for I am the great Talah Rama!
<DarkStarm> i'll take the elephants then.
<EBW> just the domestic ones!
<DarkStarm> no way.
<TalahRama> I live in a cave with monkeys, I have to put up with them
<DarkStarm> you get bubble monkeys
<DarkStarm> i get spider monkeys
<TanarinEB> What are you guys talking about?!?
<DarkStarm> and gorillas
<DarkStarm> we're building our armys
<TalahRama> I get.... bubble monkeys... hmmm
<TalahRama> and little slimy piles
<TanarinEB> For What?
<DarkStarm> who knows
<DarkStarm> i am the most powerful though
<DarkStarm> =P

If you have Multiple Personality Disorder, press 1 or 2.

* EBW has not quit IRC (Not Leaving)
*** EBW is now known as abc123
*** abc123 is now known as EBW
*** EBW is now known as parameter
*** parameter is now known as EBW
*** EBW is now known as PotatoSan
*** PotatoSan is now known as PotatoeSa
*** PotatoeSa is now known as TomatoeSa
<TomatoeSa> nevermind
*** TomatoeSa is now known as PotatoSan
*** PotatoSan is now known as KetchupSa
*** KetchupSa is now known as PotatoSan
<TomatoSan> having fun?
<MrSaturn> finally someone who had the same problems, I thought I was going insane

AutoEB: a curse or a joke?

<TomatoSan> do your AWAY thing
<Ultimoo> ok
*** Ultimoo is now known as MooAWAY
<MooAWAY> I'm away -- test -- AutoEB
<TomatoSan> I'm away -- testing -- AutoEB
*** reidman is now known as reidAWAY
<reidAWAY> I'm away -- Heehee...this is funny -- AutoEB
<reidMoo> reid Moo
<MooAWAY> I'm away, reidMoo -- test -- AutoEB
<reidAWAY> I'm away, MooAWAY -- Heehee...this is funny -- AutoEB
<MooAWAY> I'm away, reidAWAY -- test -- AutoEB
<MooAWAY> I'm away, reidAWAY -- test -- AutoEB
<reidAWAY> I'm away, MooAWAY -- Heehee...this is funny -- AutoEB
<MooAWAY> I'm away, reidAWAY -- test -- AutoEB
<reidAWAY> I'm away, MooAWAY -- Heehee...this is funny -- AutoEB
<TomatoSan> I'm away, reidAWAY -- testing -- AutoEB
<TomatoSan> I'm back - AutoEB
*** reidAWAY is now known as reidman
<reidman> I'm back - AutoEB
*** EBounding is now known as EBaway
<EBaway> I'm away --3 GWA -- AutoEB
*** reidman is now known as reidAWAY
<reidAWAY> I'm away -- heehee -- AutoEB
*** MooAWAY is now known as Ultimoo
<Ultimoo> I'm back - AutoEB
<E-mouse> LOL
<MTEKevAFK> reid
<reidAWAY> I'm away, MTEKevAFK -- heehee -- AutoEB
<MTEKevAFK> I'm away, reidAWAY -- hehehehehe -- ROB64
<reidAWAY> I'm away, MTEKevAFK -- heehee -- AutoEB
<MTEKevAFK> I'm away, reidAWAY -- hehehehehe -- ROB64
<reidAWAY> I'm away, MTEKevAFK -- heehee -- AutoEB
<E-mouse> you are insane...
<MTEKevAFK> I'm away, reidAWAY -- hehehehehe -- ROB64
<reidAWAY> I'm away, MTEKevAFK -- heehee -- AutoEB
<MTEKevAFK> I'm away, reidAWAY -- hehehehehe -- ROB64
<MTEKevAFK> Hahahahaha
<DrForestr> This is so stupid
<MTEKevAFK> No it's not
<TomatoSan> that's been done many times before Kev
<MTEKevAFK> I'm away, TomatoSan -- hehehehehe -- ROB64
<DarkStarm> lol this is funny
<Matt-chan> lol
<EBaway> heh heh
<reidAWAY> well THAT'S not an obvious rip off of autoeb :P

(Editors Note: This was cut short due to monotone-ism)

One of the 100 reasons the ban list is so long

<roschala> sorry
<roschala> can't help it
<E-mouse> RTFL
<Loco-san> if you can't control your super hacker IRC then don't use it here

What *really* goes on in #ebnet

<EBounding> I gotta hankerin' for some kickerin'
<TomatoSan> ha ha that's too funny
<Julia`> I gotta try that!
<TomatoSan> I'm up to 22 or 23 in kicks
<TomatoSan> did some kickbanning today
<EBounding> cool

Can you say dependant?

*** Tomato has joined #earthbound
<aeromus> tomato!
<aeromus> salvation!
<aeromus> we've been all day without an op =P

Channel musing number 49

* reidman is outta here
<reidman> you all have fun doing weird stuff
* Flammie puts on her paper hat and states how bored she is
<Flammie> Bye Reidman. Don't uh... turn into a fry box.
<reidman> rofl
<reidman> i'll try to avoid it THIS time. i learned my lesson.

JarJar Binks, revealed!

<Jar_Jar> mesa dont really like you.
<Anthadd> The feeling's mutual.

If this isn't funny, then I'm a monkey's uncle!

<Mr_Tomato> Kyakya kiki (Anybody who hates typing monkeys, or has rabies because of typing
  monkeys, please say 'aye'.)
<reidman> aye

EBounding states the obvious

<Plo-> forget issue 80
<EBounding> Why?
<Plo-> 73 is the ticket
<TomatoSan> why
<Plo-> It has a section on EarthBound and even Mr. Itoi's Pic!
<TomatoSan> Plo, we've seen that
<TomatoSan> we want fan art pic
<EBounding> Yeah Plo!
<Plo-> oh
<EBounding> What's wrong with you?!=20
<EBounding> :)
<Plo-> lol
<Plo-> well, id have to tear up my room
<EBounding> I tore up that issue
<Plo-> unless u tell me what it has on the cover
<EBounding> I think NINTENDO POWER is on the front in yellow letters

For directions to the insane asylum, please ask...

<TanarinEB> Sorry I used to do the scorebooks for oour school teams and one day I had to do an
  away game for our softball team and they did that the whole time
<TanarinEB> And now it is stuck in my head
<TanarinEB> They did perment brain damage to me I tell you!!!!
* Julia_Cat blinketies
<Julia_Cat> You're weeeird
* Matt-chan slaps TanarinEB around a bit with a large metal object!
<Matt-chan> =P
<TanarinEB> I'm wierd... I'm WIERD!!!
* TanarinEB starts jumping around saying "I'm Wierd"
* Matt-chan throws TanarinEB into a large round room with padded walls
<Julia_Cat> There are nice men with big white coats here..
* TanarinEB tries to cuddle into a corner in the large round padded room
* TanarinEB slaps TanarinEB around a bit with a large trout
* Matt-chan shows julia to the door
<Matt-chan> there's nothing to see here, ma'am
* TanarinEB turns into Wierd man!
*** TanarinEB is now known as WierdMan
<WierdMan> I am wierd man!
<WierdMan> Captian of Wierdness!
<WierdMan> Ack!!!
*** WierdMan is now known as TanarinEB
<TanarinEB> Ok I promise not to be wierd...for now
<Matt-chan> that's a good boy