The Best of IRC

Volume #13

Mmm... pie...

<MTSowbug> I'm trying to beat Earthbound without using any sort of bottle rocket, freeze, or
  soldification move... it's no cup of pie.
<Flammie> Cup of pie?
<MTSowbug> Err, cup of tea if you prefer.
* Flammie drinks a cup of pie
<Saboten> Cup of pie.
<MTSowbug> Nice tenda tea full of drugs.

Sarcasm? What's that?

<diospadre> you people are ugly
<SLing> Hey!
* Flammie cries* Flammie drinks a cup of pie
<SLing> Thats not nice dios
* SLing also cries
<Yggdrasi> you're fat dios
* Saboten cries
* Yggdrasi cries
<Ness> ???
<diospadre> you smell
* Ness cries
<MTSowbug> Oh. Sorry.
* Yggdrasi blubbers
* Flammie cries louder
* Saboten blows his nose in Flammie's hair
<SLingCRYN> :)
<Saboten> Oop. Bad move.
<diospadre> hahaha
<SLingCRYN> Dios: Your stupid.
* Flammie screams at Saboten
* Ness cries harder than all of them
* Saboten blows his nose in SLing's hair instead
<SLingCRYN> (This will get me kicked, i know it)
* Julia_Cat takes a picture
<MTSowbug> Hey! I just realized you were being sarcastic!
* Saboten hides

Sometimes I wonder about these people.

<reidman> i was sitting messing with photoshop a few minutes ago
<reidman> and suddenly realized that there was a GROSSLY oversized bug crawling up my arm
<reidman> i was too absorbed in photoshop to realize it
<guruAWOL> LOL!
<reidman> i think i have a problem.
<Mr_TMato> reid lives with the bugs
<Matrix``> whoah
<Mr_TMato> he's a son of the soil
<reidman> hehehe
<guruAWOL> You need to get a psycho cat like I have reid
<reidman> thats my indian name

We are cruel to no end. We are... the OPS!

<Anthadd> Is this channel just used for op talk?
<Matrix``> pretty much
<reidman> We sacrifice children here too
<guruAWOL> LOL
* Matrix`` nudges reid towards the fire
* Anthadd starts stuttering, and tries to find some way to age 6 years in minutes.

I don't wanna go to college!

<guruAWOL> we got bigger fish to microwave, as Tomato told me
<Mars`> lol
<Not_Mato> come on, I'm a college student

In fact, we know exactly what we are doing.

<reidman> we banish you to the land of wind and ghosts
<Tomato> haha
<Tomato> no, not that far
<CPTCrunch> ack
<reidman> oh.
<reidman> to the land of breezes and spirits.

Ever wonder what goes on during off hours?

<EBDude> Let's make a petition, much like Mother on GBC!!
<Tomato> but for EB Pepsi?
<reidman> yes. and EB pocket pets.
<Tomato> I love humbling people
<reidman> and blueberry muffins misshapen to look like mr. saturns with leprosy
<CPTCrunch> I was thinking EB cupholders
<reidman> thats a stupid idea. lets keep talking about leper saturns.
<reidman> ;)
<Tomato> only their noses could fall off

Diospadre, god of... something or other.

* diospadre throws thunder
<Plo-> Well, those work too
<diospadre> realizing thunder is a noise, /me throws lightning
<Mr_TMato> god of tall guy who misspells and has a sister who can do good art
* Plo- throws his franklen badge
<diospadre> you fool!
* Mr_TMato throws Bill Cosby.
<diospadre> now it doesnt protect you!
<diospadre> now you don't get puddin pops!
<diospadre> or jazz!
<Mr_TMato> but I get Jello
* Plo- gets wiggled to death
<diospadre> but you have to make it yourself
<Plo-> AieeeeEeEeEeEeEeeeeee!!!
<Mr_TMato> I know :(

Welcome to the wild, wild #EathBound

<spawnoft> ...You look at a web page for 3 seconds and the whole conversation is over your
<reiDeMoN> lol spawn
<reiDeMoN> that's #earthbound
<reiDeMoN> where the user count is high and the intelligence levels aren't
<spawnoft> Oh
<reiDeMoN> :)
<ErcCrtmn> heh
<ErcCrtmn> intelligence
<spawnoft> At least there's no price
<reiDeMoN> heheh yeah
<DrForestr> lol
<ErcCrtmn> lack of
<reiDeMoN> ....Yes
<reiDeMoN> j/k ;)
<ErcCrtmn> lack of intelligence
<DrForestr> Yeah, we're smart to!
<DrForestr> hehehe
<reiDeMoN> lol forrester
<Yggdrasi> shouldn't that be "too"?
<ErcCrtmn> hhaahahahhhaa
* reiDeMoN buries his head in his hands and cries

Simpsons withdrawls, much?

<tigeryak> hey wap
<tigeryak> you gonna watch the simpsons special tonight?
<Matrix`> I'm gonna
<W-and-P> am I!
<W-and-P> I've never missed a Simpsons
<W-and-P> that's how I became the Simpsons master that I am today
<tigeryak> cool
<tigeryak> me either!
<W-and-P> it's a strange disease
<Matrix`> I'd like to see what happens when the cable suddenly goes out and the simpson's
  starts in 20 seconds
<W-and-P> huh?
<Matrix`> what would you do if you missed the simpsons?
<W-and-P> probably slit my wrists and drink my own blood till I was passed out and vomiting my
  own bile
<Matrix`> err...
<reidman> ....
<reidman> So, anyone want some pizza?
<W-and-P> ooh, me! me!
<Matrix`> me!
<reidman> No pizza for you. You're dead, go back and lie in your own vomit.

Welcome to the madhouse.

<CPTCrunch> oh really?
<CPTCrunch> you don't say
<CPTCrunch> well, I think it's a very complicated issue.
<CPTCrunch> Yeah, I would agree with that.
<CPTCrunch> Eh... I dunno, there's two sides to that coin
<CPTCrunch> yeah, but yours is wrong and mine's right, that's the difference
<CPTCrunch> well, YOU'RE the one who's always so contradictory.
<CPTCrunch> Aw geez, go home
<CPTCrunch> you!
<CPTCrunch> well, be that way!
<CPTCrunch> I will!
<CPTCrunch> You will not!
<CPTCrunch> haha, come over here and make me
<CPTCrunch> Why I oughta...


<CPTCrunch> yeah, thanks to dimwits like YOU
<CPTCrunch> you little scumbag
<CPTCrunch> shut up already
<CPTCrunch> yeah, really
<CPTCrunch> excuse me?
<CPTCrunch> I think you should retract that remark, son
<CPTCrunch> I think you should just buzz off

-----About half an hour later...-----

* CPTCrunch grabs for his taser stick
* CPTCrunch tackles CPTCrunch
* CPTCrunch beats on CPTCrunch's face
* CPTCrunch spits at CPTCrunch
* CPTCrunch bites his thumb at CPTCrunch
* CPTCrunch uses his Taser sick on CPTCrunch!
<CPTCrunch> A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h-h-h-!
* CPTCrunch is paralyzed

-----Sometime the next day-----

<CPTCrunch> did you say something, reid?
<CPTCrunch> ok, good
<CPTCrunch> wouldn't want to miss anything

It's the EarthBound fandub! (Viewer discretion is advised)

* guruAWOL complained to Tomato!
* Not_Mato 's guts went down 5!
* guruAWOL pretended to cry!
* reidman apologized profusely

Yeah. I understand.

<SLing> and now ill ramble:
<SLing> Yes? no. No? yes. Yes?! no! please? No! Why? 'Cause! Please? No! No? yes! YES?!
<SLing> bbye

It was one of those slower days...

<DrArmufin> ...
* DrArmufin watches a tumbleweed roll across the chat
* Strker164 runs after it
<DrArmufin> :)
* Julia_Cat bats at it with a paw
* CarbonDog puts a flamethrower to the tumbleweed, thus avoiding the possiblity of nonsensical
  notings of notings of tumbleweeds

* guruAWOL takes a flamethrower to it
* DocDragon summons another tumbleweed
* SG|Hedake nibbles on it
<guruAWOL> marshmallows, anyone?
<Julia_Cat> This is sad.
<Julia_Cat> This is REALLY sad.