SOUL BLAZER ARMOR DATA ---------------------- Name pointers (0x15186 to 0x15195) Names use the same text table as the game's text. [6B D0] = 0x1526B = Iron Armor [76 D0] = 0x15276 = Ice Armor [80 D0] = 0x15280 = Bubble Armor [8D D0] = 0x1528D = Magic Armor [99 D0] = 0x15299 = Mystic Armor [A6 D0] = 0x152A6 = Light Armor [B2 D0] = 0x152B2 = Elemental Mail [C1 D0] = 0x152C1 = Soul Armor Stats/description pointers (0x15784 to 0x15793) Descriptions use the same text table as the game's text. ** ** [BF D7] = 0x159BF = 01 8A 04 05 74 CF 3C E1 01 1E 05 0B 27 C6 E1 01 8A 05 = Your defense power becomes stronger. [F9 D7] = 0x159F9 = 01 8A 04 05 74 CF 3E E1 01 1E 05 0B 27 C7 E1 01 8A 05 = you can cross fire without damage. [2B D8] = 0x15A2B = 01 8A 04 05 74 CF 40 E1 01 1E 05 0B 27 C8 E1 01 8A 05 = Enables you to walk under the sea. [57 D8] = 0x15A57 = 01 8A 04 05 74 CF 42 E1 01 1E 05 0B 27 C9 E1 01 8A 05 = Cuts the necessary GEMs in half. [88 D8] = 0x15A88 = 01 8A 04 05 74 CF 44 E1 01 1E 05 0B 27 CA E1 01 8A 05 = Invincible for longer period of time. [BD D8] = 0x15ABD = 01 8A 04 05 74 CF 46 E1 01 1E 05 0B 27 CB E1 01 8A 05 = Receive no damage from weaker monsters. [F9 D8] = 0x15AF9 = 01 8A 04 05 74 CF 48 E1 01 1E 05 0B 27 CC E1 01 8A 05 = Protects Hero from the damage zones. [28 D9] = 0x15B28 = 01 8A 04 05 74 CF 4A E1 01 1E 05 0B 27 CD E1 01 8A 05 = Enables you to walk in space. (Changing values: object-id, defense pointer.) .