The Best of IRC, Staffer's Editions

Volume #05

Frodis graces us with his presence

*** Frodis has joined #smnet
*** ChanOP sets mode: +o Frodis
<Frodis> dios? you around?
<[Rune]> Hi Frodis
<diospadre> yeah
*** Frodis has quit IRC (Read error to Frodis: EOF from client)
<diospadre> ok whatever
<Jeb2> lol

Does anybody understand Anth?

<Anthadd> Yes! The clip's loading.
<icEFusioN> What? Are you using Media Player 7 and have been waiting a half an hour for a movie
  to load after pressing play?
<Anthadd> Yes.
<icEFusioN> LOL hard
<icEFusioN> what are you talking about seriously :|
<Anthadd> Yes.
<Anthadd> And I'm wondering why it's skipped about 30000 frames.
<icEFusioN> that wasnt a yes or no question!

Opening day

<Matrix> I'm sure there's gonna be stuff that's still gonna be messed up a bit
<reidman> yeah
<reidman> but matrix and doug
<Matrix> like needing to convert the M3 news....
<reidman> you two are my best idea...are we ready to open?
<Matrix> *shudder*
<MoldySpore> lol
<Matrix> well, my first concern
<MoldySpore> there is your answer

Umi doesn't have to deal with this

<reidman> <allizdoX> /cgi-bin/randquote.cgi?x
<reidman> <allizdoX> Where x is the section
<reidman> does that mean i would do this, doug?:
<Matrix> [an error occurred while processing this directive]
<Matrix> it like doesn't work
<reidman> <IMG SRC="/image/main/quotes/quote<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/randquote.cgi?main"
  -->.png" WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="110" ALT="Starmen.Net" BORDER="0">
* Umi leaves the scary text to the scary text people

ice puts in his 2 cents

<MoldySpore> umm...
<MoldySpore> reid
-reidman- I'm away -- -- AutoEB
<MoldySpore> are you ok?
<MoldySpore> ...
<diospadre> ...
<Matrix> ?_?
<MoldySpore> um...
<MoldySpore> did reid fall back into a coma?
-reidman- I'm away -- -- AutoEB
<Matrix> apparently