The Best of IRC, Staffer's Editions

Volume #09

Talkin Trash!

<diospadre> accept it you trash eating stinkbag
<Luna`> hey!
<Tomato> ok you feces consuming horse face
<Luna`> I happen to LIKE trash
<diospadre> you were talking to luna right
<Luna`> I try to not eat poop
<Tomato> that's... for you all to decide
<Luna`> I stick more to trash
<Luna`> dios is more the feces-type.
<Luna`> he goes for poo.
* Luna` falls over laughing
<Luna`> get it!?


<Falcon24> saturnman and frank are so desperate for a staff position
<Falcon24> they are like vultures who circle around the head of a staff member who they think
  is going to bite it
<Falcon24> and then they strike like vipers
<Falcon24> so they're flying snakes essentially
<Luna`> eee
<Luna`> ROFL
<Tomato> heh
<Tomato> heh that is boeb
<Tomato> save that and give to eba so he can update
<Falcon24> lol
<Falcon24> i think "<Tomato> save that and give to eba so he can update" is boeb

Whistle While you Work!

<Tomato> jeb2 -> WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Tomato> jeb2 work man you didn't do nothing yesterday
* Jeb2 COULDN'T work yesterday
<Jeb2> big test mato, had to study. sorry, school kinda comes first
<Tomato> school heh ok
<Tomato> so go work now
<Jeb2> lets see
<Jeb2> lemme check the incoming
<Jeb2> ugh more chimera
<EBaholic> that chick is freakin weird
<EBaholic> i got like a flood of e-mails from her
<Jeb2> Yes...slave master
* Jeb2 bows

Warning, reidman alert!

<|Dan|> incoming
<|Dan|> reidman emminent
<|Dan|> warning
*** reidman ([email protected]) has joined #smnet
*** ChanOP sets mode: +o reidman
<reidman> maaaaaaaaaaatooooooooooooooooo
* |Dan| flails his arms aimlessly
* reidman begins to laugh but stops abruptly
*** reidman was kicked by |Dan| (Only I do that.)
*** reidman ([email protected]) has joined #smnet
*** ChanOP sets mode: +o reidman
<Tomato> heh

The Forums Are Dead Jim

* Frodis-WORK casts his "forums be active" spell
<Frodis-WORK> Twas' a failure
<Tomato> Darn
<EBaholic> Heh heh heh

Trash Talkin Mofo!

<EBaholic> say what
<EBaholic> who said my name
<EBaholic> why you talkin trash
<EBaholic> ;D
<spaanoft> Tomato did
<EBaholic> wtf Tomato, y u h4x?

Tomato Cleaning Service

<spaanoft> Mato, I hope you never own a cleaning company
<spaanoft> You'd never get a job done
<spaanoft> "I think there's some dust there too. And while you're at it, clean those invisible
  specks off that wall over there"
<spaanoft> Place would be spotless, though...
<spaanoft> I used to think I was a perfectionist...
<Luna`> LOL

Get to Work!

<TomatoCGI> why isn't eba working on making more boeb's
* spaanoft busts a move
<TomatoCGI> and why isn't gio drinking and spaanoft doing stuff
<TomatoCGI> and stardude crying
* spaanoft does stuff
* spaanoft burns his arm in hot grease
<EBaholic> hey i have done some of the next issue of BOEB thank you very much
*EBaholic runs away!

Sometimes It's Best Not to Ask

<spaanoft> Eba, can I be in the next bo#eb?
<EBaholic> sure spaan
<spaanoft> How about this line:
<EBaholic> if i forget to put you in just poke me with a stick
<EBaholic> :D
<Giovanni13> I liked all the attention I got in BOIRC when Moldy was around.
<spaanoft> "What do you call a woman with one leg? Ilene. What do you call an oriental girl
  with one leg? Irene."
<spaanoft> Come on, it's funny
<Luna`> no it's not
<spaanoft> ...
<spaanoft> Yes it is!
<Luna`> it's stupid, tasteless, and discriminatory!
<spaanoft> Don't you get it? One leg, lean. Haha.
<spaanoft> What?
<EBaholic> sorry spaan i gotta go with not funny
<EBaholic> ;D
<Luna`> I'm going to sic the ASPCA on you!!!
<spaanoft> What's it discriminatory?
<spaanoft> *why
<Luna`> You just wait! You'll find noodles in your stocking this year!!!
<spaanoft> Hopefully
<EBaholic> santa pooped in my stocking
<Luna`> santa got run over by a golf cart...
<Luna`> serves him right for running over grandma.

Fun With Rodents!

<Luna`> EBa, I'm seeing hamsters flashing before my very eyes!!
<EBaholic> well then
<EBaholic> when you put it that way
* EBaholic runs away
<Luna`> are hamsters bad?
<Luna`> they seem friendly
<Luna`> they're all smiling.
<Luna`> gio, you like rodents
<Luna`> what does it mean when the hamsters smile?
<Giovanni13> I like guinea pigs.
<Giovanni13> But it means that's it happy.
<Giovanni13> I guess.
<Luna`> oh, good
<Luna`> these ones look happy
<Luna`> can't you see them, they're dancing!
<Giovanni13> Try offering them some pixy stix.
<Luna`> okay
<Giovanni13> It'll be cool, really.
<Giovanni13> Or Smarties.
<Luna`> do you have any?
<Giovanni13> Yes.
* Giovanni13 gives Luna some Pixy Stix and Smarties.
<Luna`> yay
* Luna` gives all the hamsters pixy stix and smarties
<Luna`> wow now they look really happy!
<Giovanni13> Tell me when they break the sound barrier.
<Giovanni13> They will, soon.
<Luna`> look at them go!!!
<Giovanni13> Have they flown through the walls yet?
<Luna`> I didn't know hamsters could do that...
<Luna`> ouch, that looked painful...
<Luna`> when you!?
<Luna`> WHEN YOU!?!?!?
<Giovanni13> Go to the other side of your room, at least one is bound to have completely
  circled the earth by now.
* Luna` runs around in a circle
<Luna`> wait 5 of the hamsters are gone!!
<Luna`> I can see them but they're floating and they look dead.
<Giovanni13> Go to the other side of the room, and try to catch them when their cycle is done.
<Luna`> okay
* Luna` walks to the other side of the room
<Giovanni13> That's just temporary effects.
<Luna`> do you have a net?
<Giovanni13> Yes.
<Giovanni13> Don't ask why.
* Giovanni13 loans Luna his net.
* Luna` smiles and nods
* Luna` holds out the net
<Luna`> itsss notwweokring
<Aq-WORK> agh
<Giovanni13> Hmmm...
<Giovanni13> Odd...
* Luna` swishes the net around
<Giovanni13> Must have been held up in Colombia.
* Luna` crashed into a wall, and falls over

Dude Wheres My Pants?

<Frodis> time to find some pants
<Giovanni13> You have to FIND them?
<EBaholic> mine are in a pile on the floor over by my tv
<Frodis> my A pants got all filthy yesterday, so I hunt for B pants
<Giovanni13> You've assigned them letters?
<Giovanni13> Reminds me of that episode of Gilligan's Island.
<EBaholic> everyone does it
<EBaholic> dont you?
<Giovanni13> No.
<EBaholic> well your abnormal then
<Giovanni13> The pants I'm wearing now have been painlessly stapled to a layer of fat, for
<EBaholic> indeed
<Giovanni13> I never have any difficulty finding them.
<Frodis> I've never called them my A pants or anything before, I just started that right this
  second. But I always think in my mind I have good pants, backup pants, sub pants and pants
  never to be worn unless the house is on fire and I need to put something on in a hurry
<Giovanni13> Granted, I could have chosen a better pair to permanently wear forever.
<Frodis> and my B pants were in the den
<EBaholic> Warning the A pants are down, I repeat the A pants are down, proceed to B pants,
<Frodis> heh wtf
<EBaholic> bah
* EBaholic walks off in to the sunset and says "Thats the end of that chapter"


<Tomato> we're getting a privacy policy so we can get a good ad company to get lots of money
<Tomato> so reid and I can retire and move to a retirement home
<Xodnizel> heh
<Xodnizel> I want free sex money!
<Xodnizel> err
<Xodnizel> sexy
<|Dan|> . . .
<Tomato> haha

Busty Eh?

<reidman> dang it! his phone is still busty
<reidman> whoa
<reidman> busy
<reidman> dang. another bad type
<diospadre> lol
<reidman> typo