Welcome to EarthBound Fan Comics! Enjoy reading oodles of EarthBound-related comics drawn by none other than our own community. We've got some extremely talented comic artists on this site whose comics demand to be read! They'll make you laugh, they'll make you cry, they'll probably make you laugh again! Click on the Series icon to look at the different comic series or check out Comic Strips for stand-alone comics. If you would like to submit your own comics, just make sure to read the guidelines down at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!
Fan Comics:
Fan Comic Gallery Index:
Go here to submit comics. Comics must follow these guidelines:
- No bitmap (.bmp) files! Any bitmap files received (zipped up or not) will be promptly deleted.
- NO HUGE COMICS PLEASE. A comic should fit on-screen and not require scrolling back and forth to read the panels. Perfect image sizes are seen in T. Southerland's series Have Bat Will Travel, for example.
- No excessive violence, swearing, or inappropriate content
- Originality, effort, and quality are important
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Contact Info:
Section maintainer: | Someone? PM Artemis251 if you have concerns in the mean time ♫ |