
Rock Candy:

Rock Candy is the extensive collection of the best tunes of EarthBound music 100% entirely created by fans. Great musical artists have spoken their talent through this music showing an undying admiration for this great game. This is the birth of the collection that was previously released years ago under the same name. The re-release contains many of the same songs (from years ago), but there are some TOTALLY NEW SONGS added to these albums (that's right there are 4 FULL albums ready to release). Now, the entire series is all fan-made so no Nintendo hands have touched this! This is one great feat among many in a great community of dedicated fans.

Rock Candy was orignally released around 2002 to make give artists and many other EarthBound fans a form of enjoyment and inspiration. They were only release in a physical CD disc form and mailed to those that showed a notable pride by selfless acts for EarthBound, and Rock Candy was given to them as a reward. Now, as the site has grown and the Starmen.Net's resouces have expanded, we are now able to host these songs for download for all to enjoy.

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