
Fan Shots:

Do you have a video capture card and Smash Bros. Melee? Submit your screenshots and they'll be posted here.

NOTE: For in-battle pics, it is recommended that you use the "Camera Mode" feature to get your shots, to avoid having the pause screen frame obscure parts of the image.

Got error 28 from storage engine1030
SELECT SubmitID, sub.SubmitterName AS SubmitterName, Title AS Title, URL, FileName, sub.Content AS Content, Timestamp, Score, sub.SectionID, sect.SubmitIcon FROM Submissions sub JOIN Groups db2 ON (db2.GroupName = 'SuperSmashBrosMelee' OR db2.GroupName = 'SuperSmashBrosMelee' ) INNER JOIN GroupAssoc db3 ON db2.GroupID = db3.GroupID AND db3.ItemID = SubmitID JOIN Groups db4 ON (db4.GroupName = 'Screenshots' OR db4.GroupName = 'Screenshots' ) INNER JOIN GroupAssoc db5 ON db4.GroupID = db5.GroupID AND db5.ItemID = SubmitID JOIN Sections sect ON sect.SectionID = sub.SectionID AND (sect.Group='Dir' OR sect.Group='ssbmDir' ) WHERE `Activated` = '1' ORDER BY SubmitterName