At its heart, Mother trivia exists to get you thinking about the game. Questions will vary from very straightforward to potentially difficult (though not quite as hard as Plo's Hard Trivia). Answering all of the week's questions correctly places you in the Hall of Fame.
Questions can be pulled from any of the games of the Mother series, but each week's questions will usually stem from a single game. If the questions span more than one game, I'll indicate it at the top of the questions for the week.
For submissions, please try to be as clear as possible. If there's any significant ambiguity in your answer, I can't accept it. (I'd rather you be too specific than too general!) Most browsers support basic spelling correction, but as long as I can tell what you meant, I won't count spelling errors against you.
Rewards for many-time winners are currently in the works. Nothing is firmly set as of yet, but many-time winners may receive a badge on the forums for their efforts in addition to recognition on the Hall of Fame.