Flying Man S sprite I'm new and I need help

Help me understand some things

sprite Samwisethecoolone

I just joined a few minutes ago, and i need help understanding some things. First off, what is a funfest? Second off, what do I do here? Third off, is there a romhack section in here? I’ll ask more questions later, but now I need to go to school.

EDIT: Well, i just read the rules, and found out that “I’m new” posts aren’t really allowed, so idk if i should continue this discussion.

Musical witch of funky proportions

  • 2022 Halloween Funfest Gold Left
  • Weezerfest Memory
  • Monthly Art Prompt Participant
  • Mother 3 17th Anniversary Funfest - 1st place half
  • Monthly Music Prompts Tier 1
  • Very Hot Winterfest Staff
  • Mother 3 - 18th anniversary

The pk hack board is for earthbound romhacks, funfest are little events that happen with streams/art collabs/contests etc etc, also you can kind of just talk here lol
But make sure to read up on the forum rules, and check each board for their specific rules.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time here!

sprite Samwisethecoolone

Thanks. Now I know where to search romhacks and what funfests are