Here is a list of questions we get asked a lot. If your question is not answered here, send an e-mail to MansionManiac[AT]Starmen[DOT]net and we'll get back to you.
Flukes FAQ:
What is a fluke?:
A fluke is a scene from EarthBound that has been
altered to be funny or interesting. Have fun and use
your imagination!
What size should my fluke be?:
The answer to this, and other questions regarding how you should make your fluke, are answered in our Guidelines.
How do I get rid of that annoying white box?:
Assuming you are using Microsoft Paint, click on the dotted rectangular icon at the top left corner of the toolbar. Once you click on it, click on the second box on the bottom, the one that has a clear rectangle, not a white one.
Where and how do I submit my flukes?:
Just upload them on our easy to use submission form and, following review, they'll be up in the next update!