Giygas is an antagonist of multiple appearances within the MOTHER series, and his siege against the planet Earth provides valuable insight to the continuity of the story. However, many who play the second installment of this franchise may not realize that Giygas truly debuted in the first MOTHER title. In the localized version of the first MOTHER, EarthBound Beginnings, his name was localized as Giegue, from the Japanese ギーグ (Gīgu, or as it is romanized, Gyiyg).
During that game, Giygas found himself pitted against the first protagonist, Ninten. This young boy battles against many of Giygas’s troops, such as the mechanical Starmen or the tentacled, octopus-like Mooks. As the story progresses, Ninten learns of the human mother who raised Giygas, Maria, and the lullaby that she used to sing to him as an infant. Ninten and his friends eventually defeated Giygas by singing to him the song after collecting the eight melodies that composed the song. At the end of the game, Giygas swears his revenge as he and his mothership rocket back into the void of space.
While the localized version of MOTHER 2, EarthBound, never truly alludes to Giygas’s appearance as being revenge due to prior events, the Japanese MOTHER 2 makes this fact quite clear. In fact, “Gyiyg Strikes Back” (ギーグの逆襲) is the subtitle of the game, appearing on the opening screen of the game and alongside the MOTHER 2 logo.
Before the events of MOTHER 2, Giygas uses a prophesying device known as the Apple of Enlightenment to peer into his future, only to learn that a boy named Ness and three of his friends are destined to defeat him once and for all. Giygas panics, and ensures this will not happen by taking over the Earth and shrouding most of the universe in darkness. However, a time travelling insect named Buzz Buzz goes ten years into the past to warn the young Ness about the rising of Giygas, allowing him to gather his friends so they can defeat Giygas once and for all. They must fight his troops along the way, which often times contain of the same Starmen and Mooks that Ninten fought against in the first MOTHER.
Giygas is one of the most explicit links between two separate games within this series, although varying localizations of his name have caused confusion as to whether he was the same entity as Giegue in the past. Fortunately, we are far past this point, and can ensure Giygas’s looming presence within both MOTHER 1 and MOTHER 2.