
Super Smash Bros. Melee

Hello again! I recieved many excellent fanthoughts this time. They were all pretty good, and I'm glad that more people are participating! (I didn't even need to force people to submit... not much, at least...)

I myself believe that this is a great step for Mother 3. Nintendo knows that there is a market for Earthbound, and there are many fans for it. It wants to hype up the Mother series before delivering the secret punch, Mother 3.

That done with, on with the fanthoughts!


Earthbound is not forgotten

Super Smash Bros: Melee is a calling saying:

"We have not yet forgot about EarthBound"

With Ness in the game, and the Runaway Five and such, Japan, or whatever has not forgot about our hero. In fact:
How many of you reading this found EB because of Super Smash Bros? Now, with Super Smash Bros: Melee, at least Starmen.Net will get more hits and bigger petitions. Anywho, I'd like to end with:

Skulryk, This is God. ph33r m3.


Crazy ol' Nintendo!

Quite frankly, I can't really picture how Nintendo can put Ness and a few other bits of the Earthbound universe (Onett, Mr. Saturn, etc) into SSBM WITHOUT having a trick or two up their sleeves. Maybe we WILL get Mother 3 on the GameCube after all. Maybe they're just keeping Ness in because everyone loved him in the original SSB. However, to me, it tells me that either SOMEONE at Nintendo/HAL Labratories still cares about the Mother series. Either that, or they're just following what the fans want (Which, really, would lead to another Mother/Earthbound game in the end).

But, that would also mean we're getting a new Ice Climbers game...

Captain Spam

Increasing the EB Fanbase

I'm sure everybody has already put this. but with all the EB things in this game it will put alot of attention into EB(hopefully) making the possibility of EB2 more likely. I mean come on if they see Onnet, Fourside, Mr. Saturn, the Runaway 5, and Ness(who was a big hit in SSB1) who isn't going to try to find out about what game they were all in?


Uh... a short one.

I think that if Nintendo notices how many people Ness has attracted to SSBM they will reconsider releasing Mother 3.

Chas Guidry

Or maybe Nintendo wants to take us out by flooding our bandwidth...

All right. Well I hope that it will at least raise some more awareness of the fact that EB is out there.
The site could use the extra traffic. Perhaps this is a foreshadow of things to come. Remember all the rumors of Mother3 for the Game Cube? I wonder if Onett and Ness are left overs of a game we haven't seen yet or will see in the future. I heard somewhere that Ness was in SSB to be kind of an ad before Mother3 came out on the n64 so we can only hope that ssbm will be used in the same way with a couple of changes in the outcome.

Then again it could just be wishfull thinking, and the only reason Ness is in SSBM is because people will remember him from SSB.


Team TRUE sieges NOA!

I think that when people start playing SSBM they'll play as ness and like, do some internet research and play earthbound. Then they'll hear about Mother 3 and go I want a sequel to earthbound! And I think I saw on this site once that there coming out for earthbound on GBA, which is new like SSBM. People won't buy an old super nintedo... but they will buy SSBM since is new and become a fan of earthbound! And then nintendo will relize that people are interested in earthbound and come out with mother 3!


A Flood of Earthbound

Well, I look at it this the original SSB, Ness was a secret character with no level of his own. Now, after SSB was released, and Mother 3 cancelled, Itoi claimed that he wouldn't have cancelled Mother 3 if he had known about it's strong fanbase here.

Now, let's up back forward to today. Ness, who hasn't had a new game (other than the appearance in Smash Bros.) in 6 years, suddenly has 2 of his own levels in Smash Bros. Melee, becomes a main character instead of a secret one, and a ton of other EarthBound stuff is shown off. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but in those demos from E3, I didn't see any other character with multiple levels...they probably do have more, but why would 2 of Ness's be shown off and not anyone else?

Perhaps Nintendo sees the popularity of EarthBound, and, going a little bit farther, perhaps some of all that EarthBound stuff in the demo didn't all originate from the Melee project...


People learn from master Ness

When the original SSB came out, it no doubt sparked some people's interest in Ness and that lead to maybe an interest in Earthbound. I think SSBM will do the same. People who wonder about Ness will learn about Earthbound. Also, why are they putting a bunch of Earthboundy stuff in SSBM? Ness, Mr. Saturns, a Onett level, and the Runaway Five. It makes me think that they are gearing up to do something else Earthbound related. Hopefully, that will be the release of Mother 3.


Uh... ok

I think it will be a lot better for Mother 3 because since Ness is in S.S.B.Melee they well find out how popular Ness realy is and make Mother 3 Ness inclueded battiers sold sepritly. P.S. Ness is the best!!!

Johann Omega

Ness rules over all

Well now, the hype is getting stronger. I think everyone can feel the electricity as a new appearance of Ness looms on the horizon. Let's have a quick look at what we know so far: (1) There are Onett and Fourside levels. (2) There are 3D models for Ness, the Runaway Five, and the Runaway bus. (3) They're putting at least as much effort into showing off Ness as they are with any other character.

Based on these facts, I predict that Nintendo is gauging our reaction to SSB:M to see if Ness is popular enough for his "own" game, although we know it's a sequel. Remember, the same team that worked on Pokemon Stadium did the 3D models for SSB's Pikachu and Jigglypuff, so maybe the EB level teams for Melee will end up doing Mother 3. But it's a big maybe. We'll all have to vote in polls and stuff for it to happen, so everyone go on the alert for surveys and so on.


Nintendo dont care...

This whole SSBM thing is all an elaborate conspiracy. They are going to release Mother 3, but not because of any of our efforts. Nintendo doesn't give a darn about us. They are doing it because they know they need quality RPGs on the GC. Because Nintendo is too lazy to think of a new RPG, why not make a sequel. There have been only three real good RPG series on Nintendo systems. Final Fantasy was good, but we all know that Square and Nintendo have long since parted ways. Another good RPG was Mario RPG, but they have already made a sequel for that, and it is more of a kinda Platform/RPG. They need a true RPG that doesn't suck. Then there is the Mother series. A great series that is already pretty established in Japan. Even better, Mother 3 is already more than half done. It would just need a graphics boost then they could complete what was missing. There is one problem though, most Americans have never heard of Mother or EarthBound. They need a way to present him to the mass audience and hype him up. SSB was good, but Ness was a hidden character, the hardest one to get at that, and he didn't have his own level. Now, SSBM is in the works. They stick Ness in, but not only him, half of the EB world in either playable or cameo form. People will get wondering who Ness is. Boom! You got a reason to rerelease EB to GBA. Then, just when the audience wants more, Mother 3 is ready. It is all a conspiracy, but at least it is a conspiracy in our favor.<>This whole SSBM thing is all an elaborate conspiracy. They are going to release Mother 3, but not because of any of our efforts. Nintendo doesn't give a darn about us. They are doing it because they know they need quality RPGs on the GC. Because Nintendo is too lazy to think of a new RPG, why not make a sequel. There have been only three real good RPG series on Nintendo systems. Final Fantasy was good, but we all know that Square and Nintendo have long since parted ways. Another g o od RPG was Mario RPG, but they have already made a sequel for that, and it is more of a kinda Platform/RPG. They need a true RPG that doesn't suck. Then there is the Mother series. A great series that is already pretty established in Japan. Even better, Mother 3 is already more than half done. It would just need a graphics boost then they could complete what was missing. There is one problem though, most Americans have never heard of Mother or EarthBound. They need a way to present him to the m ass audience and hype him up. SSB was good, but Ness was a hidden character, the hardest one to get at that, and he didn't have his own level. Now, SSBM is in the works. They stick Ness in, but not only him, half of the EB world in either playable or cameo form. People will get wondering who Ness is. Boom! You got a reason to rerelease EB to GBA. Then, just when the audience wants more, Mother 3 is ready. It is all a conspiracy, but at least it is a conspiracy in our favor.


Of course Ness is coming...

I think that nintendo(other company? i forgot if its another one) may create a mother 3(or something along that) for game cube or gba, why else would they have ness in SSB, and SSB Melee? Link, Bowser, Fox, Peach, Mario, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Pikachu, DK, and Yoshi have all been in at least 2 games(some even their own) and ness of course has been(unless mother/eb0 doesn't contain ness as the main character, i thought it was nesten).


Ness gets the attention he deserves

Well hopefuly, people will notice Ness in the game like him and make him a more popular character. Then, Nintendo would see Ness's growing popularity and reconsider releasing Mother 3 on the Gamecube.

Pineapple Kid

Something on the Horizon

(All this prior talk will relate to ssb:melee.) Prior to super smash bros., I had no idea who Ness, or the game called Earthbound was. After Ness became my favorite character, I sought out Earthbound for SNES. After being on a waiting list for nearly 2 years, I aquired the game. In the mean time, I had already beat Earthbound 0 (Mother 1) for NES on my pc. Earthbound for SNES has become my favorite nintendo game of all time. I feel that there are people just like me who will buy smash 2, and Ness will be their favorite. If nintendo realizes how high the demand is, they will produce an Earhtbound game for the gamecube. Including ness in melee proves that Nintendo has not turned its back on Earthbound completely, and it seems like something will be on the horizon.



Let's take a long, hard look at the sucess of Super Smash, then look at Ness. Yes, the little guy with the shorts and backpack did get quite a bit of recognition, but did anyone really want to go out and buy EB? Not really. Sure, sales on Kirby and DK might have been incresed some, and perhaps Captain Falcon. But what are the chances of people making a mental connection with Mother 3 and saying "I MUST HELP GET THIS GAME OUT!!"? Small, unless you come to I'd say that Ness might still get some recognition, but we need Mother 3 out to really get some.


Ya gotta do what?

Well, people will play Melee, and they'll see the Ness dude and the Mr. saturn, and they'll think, "Who are those people?" so they'll do a little research using the options menu, and find that they've starred in a game called "Mother 2". Now, this obviously means it's a series, so they'll phone up nintendo's services desk (or something) and ask when the next game is coming out. and nintendo will say "well, maybe we should look into finishing the game." it's a bit maybeish, but you have to keep optomistic. after all, look where it's gotten us? a primo spot on NP's pulse artwork section! as some rapper guy says, "you gotta believe".


Pray for Earthbound

I think that SSBM will have some effect on bringing either a GCN version of EB64, or an AGB release of Eartbound. The game will make kids who don't know about Earthbound ask about Ness, Mr. Saturn, and the rest of the Earthbound stuff found in the new GCN title. They will hopefully have an impact on Nintendo showing how much the people here like the Earthbound series. We'll hafta hope Paula prays for our Earthbound Future. PK-G'Bye!!


Push the Start

I believe that SSB:Melee may very well have an effect on the producing of Mother 3. The original SSB was what got me and just about the rest of my school wrapped up in Earthbound. I suppose that if more people come to like "stubby legs", it might produce a window of opportunity for Nintendo to make more money (because we all know that that's what it's all about, now don't we). Ugh, I still don't see why they don't just leave a few bugs in the game and release it. For anybody who knows about HarvestMoon64, that sure didn't stop 'em from producing that game...


Crazy Nintendo

I believe Nintendo is trying to get the custermers there Ness refill so they will have a little bit more time before the makers redesign and make a new version of Mother 3. Maybe having Ness and the others fight pokey again or just a pumped up version of Mother 3 canned version (Earthbound 64). Plus SBM may boost the popularity of ness and of earthbound/mother2 so much they will be more willing to release earthbound 64/Gamecube(Can hope cant we?)


It is coming...

I think that including Ness in the new Smash Bros. game is a definite sign that Nintendo may have plans on bringing the next Earthbound game over onto the gamecube. One problem though, in the original Smash Bros. for the N64, the game included Ness, Kirby, and Samus. All three of these characters never had a game planned for them on the N64. Yes, it could be a sign of a future Earthbound game, and I hope it is, but then again...I wouldn't count on it.

Mike the EB Guru

SSB: Bringing people together

The only reason that I know about Earthbound today is because Ness was in SSB. SSB:Melee is a head's up to tell us that a new game is on the way. And hopefully will include Ness!




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