This is a guide to assist those that do not know Japanese and are playing Mother. This lists the American name counterparts to the Japanese text and also contains other info such as the item price values. This is especially effective in areas such as the Monkey Cave, stores, Duncan's Factory, and figuring out what item you have gained in a battle, and in many other places and situations.
Mother 1 Item Guide:
Mother 1 Guide Tables:
This guide is a replication using a Japanese Mother guide. Variables may vary slighly due to the regional difference between Mother and EarthBound Zero and missing or changed elements from game conversion across regions and platforms. Consult the site's walkthroughs along with this to get the most effective results when playing Mother for the Famicom or for Mother 1+2 for the Gameboy Advance. If there are any blatent, large errors, please notify Jonk.