
1.2 Websites and other locations of info

1, The Help/Troubleshooting Topic:

I know at 59 pages and counting, there is some Archive Panic. There is tons of useful info buried in the topic though, as well as answers to many problems encountered while hacking. Any and all questions related to editing EarthBound go here.


2. The All Hackers Thread:

So you’ve got a great idea for a hack, you just started working on it, and you can’t wait to tell everyone. STOP! Do not make a “My New Hack” thread. If all you have so far is the idea, don’t post about it just yet. Once you have something to show from your hack, a picture of the modification in action or something like that, post about it here. Look through a few pages of the PK Hack section of the forum. You will notice many threads are of a new hacker announcing a project, usually with a single picture or no picture at all, which will sometimes be locked and is never heard from again. These are called Prospectus topics, and many involve the poster asking for people to help with parts of the hack. The problem is most people don’t have the resolve to complete a hack, and those that are hacking are usually working on their own project, or the current project that has attracted the group(currently the EB0 remake). The forum is littered with these topics like skeletons in a wasteland. If you have something to share with the group, post it in the All Hackers Thread. If you don’t, keep on hacking. Once your hack is finished make your own topic, then sit back and enjoy knowing you actually finished an EarthBound hack. Inside the thread itself is a large collection of not only hacks in progress, but various bits of info.


3. Data Crystal:

Data Crystal’s EarthBound page has a ROM map(for knowing where things are stored), a RAM map(for knowing how the game stores stuff in memory), a flag list, standard arguments, control codes, and some other info as well. It really is more of a general ROM hacking site, but the EarthBound section is a valuble source.


4. Buried in the Forums:

As of the time I’m writing this, the search feature is broken in the forums, but there are many posts and threads with very important info buried. PM either NESluver or Hyperbound with any good data you find, and it will be linked to here.


This is part of the old site, and has been used as a storage area for various PKHack stuff. Programs, tutorials, hex dumps, all kinds of good stuff. It’s not very organized, and does contain many out of date programs, but there is good stuff there.



Same as /down/, but different stuff.

← 1.1 Programs | 1.2 Websites and locations of info | 1.3 Editing Order →



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