

EarthBound has 126 sound effects. A few sound effects are unused silence and as such, those numbers will be omitted below.

Special notes on a few sound effects:

  • 005 "Inaudible failure sound" is used in several situations where you can't receive an item because your inventory is full. Never actually heard because it's immediately silenced by the text blip.
  • 121 "Tenda read book & lift rock" Is used three times in the game: When the Tenda chief reads the shyness book, when the strong tenda lifts the rock, and also when the pyramid opens.
  • 126 "Alternate Okdesuka easter egg" plays instead of the regular sound if you press the Start button on the naming screen

There are several sound effects that were stored as music, so those will be separated below.

Sound Effects (No.):

Sound Effects Archive:

Download all 138 sound effects (50.8 MB)
Sound effects courtesy of BossCrafty.



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