DJ Mon (AKA Cyan683, aka the Digital Erde Kaizer) |
DJ Mon made his start on Radio PSI as a trusted maker of Treasure Hunts for DJ Carp's show. When DJ Carp took a sabbatical in February 2007 DJ Mon seized the opportunity to make up for his absence as a temporary host on his old slot. Upon Carp's return, DJ Mon was retired, but was hired once again to permanently take over Carp's Friday night slot after DJ Carp retired (temporarily) a few weeks later. DJ Mon has tested his mettle and gone on to be heralded as the "Iron Mon" of Radio PSI, having now gone over fifteen years without missing a single show. This dedication led to him becoming Radio PSI's new leader in March 2011, following the retirement of DJ ozztastic. Towards the end of DJ Mon's first year he was joined by his trusty voice, The Voice. With his announcer-like sound, The Voice quickly became the voice of Radio PSI as well as co-hosting with DJ Mon. He brought his own flair to the show with his personal brand of verbal diarrhea and segments such as the Random Ramble, where he talks about ... something for as close to seven minutes as possible. Sadly, DJ Mon lost his The Voice early in his fourth year, eventually replacing him with what would,in time, become his trusty The_Crew; The_Dragon (aka Drago), The_Random_Game, and The_Highlander. The_Random_Game provides inane-ness which The_Dragon counters with actual sense, while The_Highlander brings a feminine charm to the airwaves. In an unexpected twist, DJ Mon regained his The_Voice at the start of his sixth season. DJ Mon had many segments such as Treasure Hunts, Name the Thing that the Ring is from Thing and the Free Ride, along with the occasional Food for Thought and Half Hour Hero, DJ Mon kept himself busy. However, most segments have been discontinued as the show evolved to change from week to week. However, should any interesting (read: weird) food ever ends up on their table, Food For Thoughts might not be too far behind. His favorite artists include Aikawa Nanase, Great Big Sea, and BNL. He enjoys J-Pop/J-Rock, Video Game, and Folk music. DJ Mon broadcasts every single week ever, presently from 9:00 PM - Midnight, Eastern time, Friday night. He also host, when schedules and work wills it, RPG Club once during the week. |
DJ AmzTrak (AKA AmzRigh) |
January 2008 — DJ AmzTrak joins the Radio PSI team with a daily weekday morning show, broadcast faithfully from his workplace. This music-only program continues until late 2010, when a change of work schedule and duties prevents him from continuing regularly as he had been. July 2009 — DJ AmzTrak moves into the realm of regular programming with This Week in History, where he recounts the events of the week, both recent and long past, with a particular predilection for the strange and quirky. This history lesson is accompanied by music relating to the events, sometimes more directly than others. October 2012 — His game-streaming series Throne of Games joined the Radio PSI lineup. Conceived in the wake of Funktastic Festival 2012, Amz and his cohosts adopted the format. For more information and the archives of past episodes, check out the Throne of Games blog. As Throne of Games became DJ AmzTrak's weekend show, This Week in History moved into Radio PSI's burgeoning weekday line up which begun with RPG Club. January 2015 — Burning out from weekly show prep, This Week in History transitions to another night of game streaming in Thursday Throne — now with fewer cohosts*! He still ponders the old format from time to time; history certainly hasn't stopped without him. June 2016 — With little else to do, having been laid off, DJ AmzTrak returns to the daytime streams whence he began with Holding Court. Mostly solo, this show has gone on and come off hiatus a few times with the states of his employment and health. September 2016 — An occasional shift to Saturday afternoons, Early Throne Special accommodates his cohosts who are adults with children and responsibilities. As such, while this is a recurring show, it is by no means regular. AmzTrak’s favorite artists include R.E.M., The Tragically Hip, Yes, and They Might Be Giants. DJ AmzTrak broadcasts his Throne of Games from 9:00 PM - Midnight, every Saturday night and Thursday Throne from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM every Thursday. When Holding Court is in action, it can be watched on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. In the same context, should a session of Early Throne occurs, you can expect it to happen on a Saturday from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM which is then followed by a 3 hours break before the start of regular his regular Throne of Games show. * Thanks to the pandemic, most of his streams are now with fewer cohosts. |
DJ Umbra (AKA Nightshade) |
DJ Umbra joined Radio PSI in the Buddy Flood of 2011. Promoted directly to the rank of Full Buddy along with Private Bozo, he clocked some serious hours in backup for other DJs (aside from DJ Mon). His dedication led him first to a weekly one-hour slot before the creation of the Buddy Slots for the Buddies to hone their skills in waiting for a chance to become a DJ. His chance came late in 2011 when Team Kobaugh went on hiatus, never to be heard from again. Ever since, DJ Umbra has consistently filled the radio waves with shadows ... and video game music. From the Version Face-off constantly proving and re-proving the apathy of the voting public, to bungling through video games of any nature, DJ Umbra can always be counted on to have some nature of game on the horizon. The current format of his show, the Shadow Waves of Radio PSI, heavily centers on the two themes that carried throughout his DJ run: games and time. In-between music (mostly from video game soundtracks and covers), DJ Umbra goes over some of the news of the past week about games (electronic, tabletop and any other), animation, technology and the industry in general. He also take a peek at the future by looking over the releases of the upcoming week in Next Week In Gaming. When DJ Umbra gets his hands on a new soundtrack to add to his collection, he might be tempted to showcase it on the show. When this happen, a Music Showcase will be organized during a show once a month. During that one show, the format remains the same but the music played will almost exclusively come from that soundtrack including the opening song and the background music. The showcase might carry over to the next month should it proves itself worthy. When summer comes, DJ Umbra also organizes the Radio PSI E3 Roundtable of Discussions, a tradition that started all the way from 2011 and has been ongoing as long as E3 goes (in fact, a lot of people believes that E3 will stop before Radio PSI does). DJ Umbra's favorite music is primarily from video games but doesn't necessarily have preferences when it comes to genre. Every style has a place and purpose. But you might receive a lot more music from Final Fantasy XIV than you bargained for. DJ Umbra broadcasts from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM Eastern time, every Sunday Night. |