Below is a listing of various rumors that are relatively wide-spread and have some potential to be true. Rumors since proved to be false are marked off.
- Jan. 2006 -
The game is subtitled Death of the Pig King
----->GamesAreFun posted an errenous article about the game using the old N64 version's title logo and subtitle. The new logo, found on the official game webpage, lacks a subtitle since one has not been announced yet. - Sep. 2005 -
Marvelous Interactive is working on Mother 3 for Nintendo DS.
----->It turns out they are creating their own RPG, Contact, which features a character that resembles Dr. Andonuts. - Sep. 2005 - Brownie Brown is nearly complete with Mother 3 and is hiring test players for bug testing.
- Sep. 2005 - Shigesato Itoi is secretly working with Brownie Brown to finish up Mother 3.
- Feb. 2005 - Mother 3 to be released Summer 2005 or later. - "Or later" seems suspicious ;)
- Jan. 2005 - Mother 3's progress isn't going as smoothly as Miyamoto has led us to believe. - Seems plausible. The same happened with Mothers 1 and 2.
- Dec. 2004 - Mother 3 likely to be released in 2005. - We say that every year ;)
- Dec. 2004 - Port of the N64 Mother 3 could be released on the Nintendo DS. - It's possible, but sounds more like wishful thinking.
- Dec. 2004 -
An announcement about Mother 3 is expected to be made very soon. - Nov. 2004 -
Mother 3 is rumored to be released on Feb. 17, 2005.
-----> The date came and went without any new developments. - Nov. 2004 - Itoi is said to have been working with developer Brownie Brown, a subsidiary company of NOJ, for some time.
- July 2004 - Itoi is supposedly 60% done with the new script for Mother 3.