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The Chosen Four - Pg 19 - by Darrow

The Chosen Four - Pg 19

Darrow - #19

The Camera Man appears! After dropping through the atmosphere he lands, ready to snap a picture. Ness, of course, is thrilled to see him.

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Darrow The Chosen Four - Pg 373
Darrow3 - #73
Arriving back outside his house, Ness is greeted by Tracy almost immediately. How does she jump so high? It must be the shoes!
4/4/10 0.00
Darrow The Chosen Four - Pg 374
Darrow3 - #74
Not content with just standing by, Ness' mom gets in on the mix in embarrassing her son. But why stop there, when you have a perfectly good "daughter-in-law" to tease as well?
4/4/10 0.00
Darrow The Chosen Four - Pg 375
Darrow3 - #75
Nothing better to wrap up the day than a nice, juicy steak! The dinner table is a time for relaxing and talking about your day. It's also apparently the time to reveal your brother's most embarrassing past secrets.
4/4/10 0.00
Darrow The Chosen Four - Pg 376
Darrow3 - #76
Having heard the recent revelation, Reginald nearly bites the dust. Although this trip has proven to take a toll on Ness' coolness factor, at least Paula has gained the family's approval! Do I hear wedding bells?! ...Oh, no, that's just the alarm clock.
4/4/10 0.00
Darrow The Chosen Four - Pg 377
Darrow3 - #77
After the antics of home come to an end, Ness sets out once more as he says farewell to his family. Despite the humiliation of his past secrets being revealed, the joy of having seen his family after so long leaves Ness with a smile on his face his heart. ...Yeesh, talk about corny.
4/11/10 0.00


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